The 3rd regular meeting for this term on August 2nd

We have made it a rule to have the 1st meeting of the month online. So, on August 2nd, members of the Keyforce Toastmasters Club got together online to conduct our 3rd regular meeting.

It was another special session because we were joined by two fabulous guests! Not only did they make self-introduction but both of them took part in a table topic session.

A table topic session is one of our regular menus where a member is randomly appointed to answer a given question impromptu. Of course it was their first time to do it but they were very good at answering a question spontaneously, which made all the members impressed.

I personally hope that they have a good idea about what Toastmasters is all about and will decide to join us before long.

We will skip a regular meeting next time but will have a summer gala on August 23rd instead. Still you are welcome to join us if you like.  

*I am sorry to have forgotten to take screenshots of the meeting.


Keyforce Summer Gala 2023

The 9th regular meeting for this term on November 15th

The 2nd regular meeting for this term on July 19th