The 1st regular meeting for this term on July 5th

 July the 1st is the start of a new term for Toastmasters activities.

We, Kerforce Toastmasters Club, had the first regular meeting online on July the 5th for this new term. 

As is usual at the first meeting, we had an inaugulation ceremony for new officers that was conducted by TM Tak Yamaki, the new Area Director, who we invited for the night.

TM Tak Yamaki

Our President, TM Mai Araki, delivered a fabulous induction speech followed by other respective officers speeches.

TM Mai Araki

After the inaugulation ceremony, we spent this night having 4 prepared speeches and other regular contents.

We made a good start and we believe that the new term (Jul. 1st 2022 - Jun. 30th 2023) will be another successful year for the Keyforce Toastmasters Club.



Keyforce Summer Gala 2023

The 9th regular meeting for this term on November 15th

The 2nd regular meeting for this term on July 19th